Honoring the Finest American Fighters and Security Forces Who Served at Subic Bay, Philippines

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Honoring the Finest American Fighters and Security Forces Who Served at Subic Bay, Philippines

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Mission Statement

Mission Statement

The mission of the Subic Bay Marines is to perpetuate memories of our duty in the Philippines and to foster camaraderie among Subic Bay Marines at an annual reunion. The Subic Bay Marines will serve as role models for all past, present, and future Marines.

We will honor our commitment to this mission until there is no longer a Subic Bay Marine standing.

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This legendary unit of United States Marines has been cited as the finest body of American fighting men ever assembled. They were America's most highly trained and effective security force.

"In short, the Subic Bay Marines represent the best there is in a well-trained, dedicated force defending democracy and freedom."
United States Senator Tom Harkin

"The Marines who served at Subic Bay were among the most highly trained and elite of the armed forces. By performing various duties, they helped secure the freedom of the United States."
United States Congressman Norm Dicks

Additional Information

Additional Information

A Marine had to be unique and the best of the best to serve at Marine Barracks Subic Bay. The following are some of the criteria that had to be met before a Marine was selected for this demanding and difficult duty:

  • Top physical fitness scores.
  • Outstanding proficiency in everything from communication skills to the use of deadly force.
  • Outstanding conduct marks.
  • A good recommendation from superiors.
  • Reliability Program Certified (successfully pass an FBI background check).
  • Have a clean Marine Corps service record.
  • The Subic Bay Marine Barracks flag has been cited as the most highly decorated barracks flag in the history of the United States Marine Corps.

Feel free to connect with us today for more information.

Portrait of an army team walking into the sea